Friday, February 12, 2016

Shampoo Everyday, Because I Said So...

Please, don't be mistaken, I'm no hair guru, I'm just a girl who happens to love her hair! My mom would tell me to wash my hair every night. Yup, AND she only bought shampoos chalked full of sulfates, parabens, and other yucky-ness that we now know shouldn't be near our hair. Sooo, I wound up with an oil slick, frizzy, tangled, split-end, itchy, dandruff mess! Even when I could buy better products the theory of washing my hair every night had been so ingrained in my routine that I contributed my oily scalp to genetic. It never occurred to me that my scalp needed a rest.

Once motherhood and exhaustion hit I didn't have time to wash my hair everyday, and found the oil began to gradually get better. It wasn't until years later that I would understand why this happened. I was okay with it- hey I was doing good to shower once a day, lets be thankful for the little things! As time went on and my time was a commodity to be traded like a hot stock, I was finally able to invest some in myself, I actually hit the computer to research the ins-and-outs of hair care. I looked at why my scalp was dry and flaky, my ends were slightly split and damaged, my roots were somewhat oily and greasy, and what I could do to change it all. 

This is what I found out, and what follows is what works for me: the over production of oil was a defense mechanism from having been repeatedly stripped of all its natural protection, either through too frequent shampoos or too harsh products. The dandruff was a reaction from the harsh products, once I cut out all those irritants the flakes were gone. The split ends and damage were a combination of harsh products, too frequent shampoos, and not protecting my hair before using a blow dryer or flat iron.

Well, I had already cut back on how often I was washing. Initially I tried every other day, now I've found I'm able to go three days between shampoos. Although sometimes I do need to wash my hair every other day, when I've had a hard workout or something going on, it's not rocket science. If I feel like I need to add an extra wash in I just do.

Then it came to the process Now every time I wash my hair it gets conditioned, no questions! My full routine is this: As soon as I get in the shower I'll wash my hair, rinse well, blot with a towel, condition, and clip it up loosely until I'm through with the rest of my shower. This usually gives my hair about 10 to 15 minutes of conditioning treatment.

The products: My hair needed hydration and more protein, in a very delicate balance. So I started with Nexxus Emergencée Shampoo and Conditioner every other shampoo, alternating with Biolage by Matrix Ultra Hydrasource Shampoo and Conditioning Balm. Your hair is probably different from mine, and you'll need to start with determining the type, texture and density of your hair. Then it's time to determine if your hair is craving moisture or protein. Most need to balance protein with moisture. Check when your hair is wet, you'll want to do this test on several different areas over your head. Pull a strand slightly between your fingers. If it snaps without stretching, then you need moisture. If it stretches a lot without snapping, or has a hard time pulling back to it's original state, then you need protein. Often times color treated, bleached, and heat/ chemically damaged hair responds better to protein treatments. I can tell you after all I have read most people just need a good balance of both. Unless you have been using products that say wheat, whey, silk, keratin, collagen, or protein and have caused a protein overload. In which case your hair will feel dry, brittle, straw-like, and break very easily. If this is what you have then a few good deep moisturizing treatments spaced apart, and alternated with both hydration and protein shampoos and conditioners should get you back on track. If you've been using products that brag about hydrating, moisture, or if your hair feels soft, sticky, and mushy then you probably have too much moisture. Just like protein this can be a bad thing too, but its remedied in much the same way with a couple good deep protein treatments spaced apart, and alternated with both hydration and protein shampoos and conditioners should get you back on track.

Now, lets look at your water, uh- yup, it can play a factor in the health of your scalp and hair. If you have hard water (heavy deposits left on your shower and sink that are difficult to remove) you should invest in a good shower head filter, this will benefit your whole body, not just your hair.

Finally look at your follow up routine, and products. Some of them probably do double duty. Check out their ingredients as well, these can also contain bad-for-your-locks chemicals that you'll want to stray from. Also, some of them I didn't even need once I realized what my main problem really was! The main thing about these is using the right amounts of each, between a pea sized and nickle sized amount is the most you'll ever need. Now I apply a pea sized amount of Suave Natural Infustion Awapuhi Ginger Strengthening Light Leave-In Cream, then a dime sized amount of Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine Leave-In Conditioner, followed by one drop of Nexxus Oil Infinite Nourishing Hair Oil. I usually wait about 15-20 minutes then apply Garnier Fructis Sleek and Shine Flat Iron Perfector Straightening Mist, then blow dry my hair with medium heat. I follow up by quickly run a flat iron set at approximately 200 degrees, (mine goes up to 400 degrees) without causing split ends or fear of damage, after every wash.

After all my mistakes I think I'm finally onto something. I follow this routine religiously, and in August I took a huge leap and cut off 16" of hair. It devastated me, but I realized it was the right thing to do. My tresses need a reset, a fresh start. You don't NEED to shampoo everyday, but you DO need to condition EVERY TIME you shampoo, and please use a heat spray anytime you go near your hair with a heated tool!

There are a few other things I do to keep my hair healthy, but this post is already getting looong so we'll save my the treatments and tips for another day. If you have any questions please feel free to comment or email me!

The opinions expressed above are my own. I was not compensated in anyway for the above post. Each item mentioned was purchased with my own money, by me. The products mentioned may or may not work for you, but I'd love to hear your opinions! Results may vary. So you could break out in a rash and turn blue! - Naw, just kidding. Seriously, you should check the ingredients on all new products BEFORE you purchase just to be sure.  XO, Jen

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