FTC Requirements, Bla, Bla, Bla

FTC requires that all bloggers disclose compensation received for posts and advertisements. This means if you get paid to post or review an item you have to state this within each post. This also means anyone who receives product for review must disclose this to the readers.
Let me say this, everything I have mentioned is my own, I have purchased every item I have written about with my own money. At some point this may change, however if it ever does you better believe you will know about it. I would never let any company pressure me into raving about their product, nor would I pressure you into spending your money on a product. I would never try to sway you into purchasing a product that I could not stand behind. The FTC is requiring bloggers to disclose how they come into possession of the items they test out. So, at the bottom of each post there will be a note that says if I purchased an item, received it as a sample with purchase, or got it from a company for review. If you have questions about a review or feel differently about a product please, please, please comment or e-mail me at thingsmymomnevertoldme@gmail.com I will not moderate what you say about a product.

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